Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cont' flexibility

Obvious isn't it ? it the engineer presses the button and the rocket remains stuck on the lauching pad he very quickly gets the message that pressing the button isn't going help, so he does something else. And yet most people.When something doesn't work,do the samething ,only they do it harder and more often. The seldom stop and say,"hey,this isn't working!.How can I change my behaviour to make it work."Or."Hey,this isn't working ! in what other ways can I look at that problem?" Learn to challenge you own frame.
The field of Cybernetics has a law called requisite variety.This law states:In any system(whether human or machine) all other things being equal,the individual(human or machine)with the widest range or responses will control the system. For example, if your only response to the kids when they interrupt you is,Go outside and play," a rainy day may drive you all nuts. Another key to decision making is flexibility. If what you are doing is not working, then do something else!
To understand your decision frame consider not just what lies within your frame's boundaries,but what lies outside. Most people unconsciously use a narrow frame that is heavily biased by their social,family and cultural background. Looking beyond your frame's current boundaries will increase your flexibility and greatly improve your decision making.

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