Saturday, December 02, 2006

Skin care

  • In the bath, remove the outer layer of dead skin cell by rubbing a loofah or washcloth in cicular motion on your skin.This will help skin look fresher
  • eat balanced diet supplemented with zinc ans vitamin a,c, and e.
  • Lubricate the skin from the inside by drinking plenty of water : at least six to eight glasses per day .Cut down on tea ,coffee and alcohol, which can causes water loss.
  • Use an anti-perspirant or talcum powder to keep the skin cool and dry.
  • Allergies,hormonal imbalances ,infection or stress can cause skin disorders.Consult your doctor, especially if there is any abnormal bruising or if suspicious moles appear.
  • Get sufficient sleep everyday. Fatigue is reflected in skin's condition.
  • Always remove makeup before going to bed.
  • Exercise frequently. exercise makes skin glow by encouraging blood circulation and increasing the oxygen supply.People who exercise regularly have better skin tone and texture and fewer wrinkles.
  • Don't smoke.It's bad for health and hastens ageing.
  • In humid weather, wear loose cotton clothes to prevent skin irritation.

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