Sunday, October 15, 2006


Table of content

  • Mind mapping
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking

Mind Mapping

Application used in -

  • Personal.
  • Family
  • Educational
  • Business situations including note-taking,brainstorming,summarizing,revising and general clarifying of thoughts

Mind Mapping Guideline

  1. Start in the centre with an image of the topic using at least 3 colour.
  2. Use images,symbols,codes and dimensions throughout your mind map.
  3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
  4. Each word/image must be alone and sitting on its own line.
  5. The lines must be connected, starting from the central image, The central lines are thicker,organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
  6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image.
  7. Use colour-your own code-throughout the mind map.
  8. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
  9. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
  10. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy,numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches.
  • Mind map is dwveloped by Tony Buzan

Critical Thinking

It is about-

  • Critical thinking is deciding what to believe or do.
  • Critical thinking means making reasoned judgments.
  • It is using criteria to judge the quality of something in your work or at home.
  • Critical Thinking is a disciplined manner ot thought that a person uses to assess the validity of something- a statement,new story,argument,research, etc.

Creative Thinking

It is about-

  • It is about a kind of thinking that leads to new insight, novel approaches, fresh perspectives,whole new way of understanding and conceiving of things.
  • The products of creative thought include music,poetry,dance,dramatic literature,inventions and technical innovations.


Table of content

  • Mind mapping
  • Critical Thinking
  • Creative Thinking

Mind Mapping

Application used in -

  • Personal.
  • Family
  • Educational
  • Business situations including note-taking,brainstorming,summarizing,revising and general clarifying of thoughts

Mind Mapping Guideline

  1. Start in the centre with an image of the topic using at least 3 colour.
  2. Use images,symbols,codes and dimensions throughout your mind map.
  3. Select key words and print using upper or lower case letters.
  4. Each word/image must be alone and sitting on its own line.
  5. The lines must be connected, starting from the central image, The central lines are thicker,organic and flowing, becoming thinner as they radiate out from the centre.
  6. Make the lines the same length as the word/image.
  7. Use colour-your own code-throughout the mind map.
  8. Develop your own personal style of mind mapping.
  9. Use emphasis and show associations in your mind map.
  10. Keep the mind map clear by using radial hierarchy,numerical order or outlines to embrace your branches.
  • Mind map is dwveloped by Tony Buzan

Saturday, October 14, 2006



  1. Creative and critical thinking
  2. Multiple intelligences
  3. Strategic thinking tools

1.creative and critical thinking

  • what is creative thinking?

it is about generating ideas,or

processes or

experience objects

  • what is critical thinking?

it is about evaluatiing them refer to creative thinking.

  • creative thinking requires-

critical thinkers to gather information from observation,experience,reasoning and /or communication.

critical thinking has its basic in intellectual values that go beyond subject-matter divisions,as well as clarity,accuracy,precision,evidence,throughness and fairness.

  • then ,critical thinking

also known as creativeness.

it is about a mental process involving the generation of news ideas or concepts or new associations between existing ideas or concepts.

2. Multiple intelligences-

people can think productively in a variety of ways.

developed by Dr Howard Gardner,Harvard University, USA.

-Your brain

-Left brain =logical-sorts out the detail-verbal learning-academic cognitive processes.

Right brain = creative-big picture-visual elements,affective,intuitive,spatial,emotional,divergent thinking.

-linguistic learner-

saying,hearing and seeing words- poet

- logical/mathematical

classifying and working with abtract patterns-scientists

-spatial learner-

visualising, working with colours/pictures -airline pilot

-musical learner

Rhythm,melody and music composer.


touching,moving,processing knowledge throughbodily sensations -dancer


Table of content
-What is strategic thinking?
-what is strategic Planning?
-Evolution in Business era.
-Strategic thingking process
-Use S.T.E.E.P.

What is Strategic Thinking?

-It is about-

Thinking(YOU,in any organization) about,assessing,viewing and creating the future for themselves and others.

Responding to day-to-day and long term prpblems,opportunities and realities.

Taking a proactive action plan and not reactive.

=Strategic thinking requires-

-to create a better future by taking a proactive action and adding value to society.

-to create a personal change regarding thinking, relating and performing.

-to imagine the results you want to achieve in the future.

-to create an ideal future by achieving results that add value.

What is strategic Planning?

-It is about-

-Defining the requirements for delivering high payouts result.

-=You need to identify how and what to get from your current realities to future ones that add value to society.

-Creating and describing a better future in measurable terms and the selection of the best means to achieve your result.

Evolution in Business Era

2000's - Business Era for evolution with radical change,

Management era-adaptive enterprise

requirements-strategic and creative thinking

1990's- Business era for Reengineering

Management era- Leader and Team


1980's-Business Era for Quality

Management era -Total Quality management

requirements-continuous improvement

Strategic Thinking Process

+Understand what it is.

-Do not confuse strategic thinking with tradition strategic planning or operational planning,which are most often based on past trends and linear thinking.

+use both sides of your brain.

-The brain is the source.

-Everyone has potential to become a strategic thinker, but our preferred thinking modes often get in our way.

+Expand your toolkit.

-Diverse thinking greatly enhances strategic outcomes.

-Different tools work for different people and styles.

-Hire/enlist people who make you uncomfortable.

+What about"What if.....?" scenario?

-use scenarios as a means to explore your options.

+Helikopter up

-Look for patterns,use your intuition and expand your peripheral vision.

+Change your mind set.

-unconventional approaches free brain and allow for new ideas and perspectives,essential to the strategic thinking process.

+Embrace the unknown.

-the unknown should be your ally, not your enemy.

-change presents a great opportunity for new thinking.

+Make your future happen.

-making your future outcomes become reality

+Make it a mental habit

-an essential element to competitive advantage and it is here to stay.







**Internal Factors

-You and your team



**External Factors-






***Developed by Motion Venture**

Friday, October 13, 2006


A flock of wheaver birds flew around looking for a new place to stay.they arrived at the foot of Mount Datuk.We must build a nest before night.The head bird went looking for a suitable place to build a nest.weaver birds were not good in building nest.They took a long time to complete their nests.Suddenly, a bee came along .Bee are known to be skilful in building nests.The saw the weaver bird and its family hard at work.we're not good at building nests said the weaver birds.The bee pitied the young weavers who were shivering with cold. Please teach us,pleaded the head bird.alright bee said.however, the weaver birds were lazy to build their own nests.They saw a nest behind by a swarm or bees.The head bird had an idea, pick up the dried grass and put on over the bees nest.The bee was angry to see the weaver birds in its nest.The bee tried to chase the weaver birds out of the nest.The head bird said ,now this nest belongs us.The bee left the place angrily.Suddenly ,the bee returned with a swarm of bees .They attacked and stung the weaver birds.The weaver birds flew away.since then, the weaver birds are afraid of bees. They build their nests on branches of trees which are low.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Ramalan mimpi 05

*Bermimpi telaga banyak air
Alamatnya-Akan menjadi penghulu atau ketua dan murah rezeki

Ramalan mimpi04

*Bermimpi sungai tiada air
Alamatnya-Penduduk dalam negeri akan ditimpa penyakit

Ramalan mimpi 03

Bermimpi melihat air sungai keruh
Alamatnya-akan bertapa akan bersunyi-sunyi....

Ramalan mimpi 02

Bermimpi melihat air sungai keruh
Alamatnya-akan bertapa akan bersunyi-sunyi....

Renungan 01

Dengarlah wahai teman semua*
apa maksud disebalik perkataan baik
B-bahasa yang digunakan
A-adab yang dipamirkan
I-imej yang ditonjolkan
K-kelakuan yang diamalkan

marilah kita bersama muhasabah diri dari perkatan ini
kecantikan akan luput
kejaguhan akan kelam
kekayaan akan lebur
keangkuhan pasti hancur

yang tinggal....
keteguhan iman dan taqwa asal dari ilmu dan amal

just 4 knowledge

Ramalan mimpi 01

Bermimpi melihat air sungai keadaannya jernih
alamatnya- style="color:#cc33cc;">Terlepas daripada dukacita....


Menghalau tikus-
*kat rumah,ambil daun durian belanda letakan @ selitkan kat bendul rumah
insyallah tikus akan lari.


petua suburkan pokok-
*gunakan air basuhan bekas ikan untuk menyiram pokok baik tanaman atau bunga.

Saturday, October 07, 2006

ubat kurap @panau01

*ambil serbuk belerang,campurkan dengan minyak kelapa dan air limau nipis.Sapulah di tempat yang sakit. Buatlah seminggu,!!!!jangan di bubuh pada kulit yng sensetive,
**ambil daun gelinggang gajah ,nak tahu tanya tok nek,sebanyak satu genggam dan diikat ,lalu dipotong sebahagian,kemudian gosokkan bahagian yang sakit.Gosokkan berulang kali sehingga hilang. jangan sampai luka !!!

petua naik kapal terbang @ apa saja

pastikan anda nampak batang hidung anda dengan jelas dan ia adalah pasti..
*letakkan jari jemari anda ke telinga dan geserkan jari -jemari anda ,pastikan anda mendengar geseran tersebut.
*letakkan jemari anda ke rambut anda dan geserkan rambut-rambut anda ,pastikan anda mendengarkan geseran tersebut.

hikayat budak-budak 01

Berudu mencari ibu#
terdapat sekelompok berudu didlm sungai,mereka bermain dgn seronoknya,selang berapa hari maka tumbuhlah sepasang kaki belakang.maka berudu ternampak ibu talapia memberi anaknya makan,maka berudu bertanyakan ibu talapia kat mana ibu kami? ibu talapia katakan ibu kamu mempunyai mulut yang besar dan mata besar yang tertonjol keluar.Maka bermulalah berudu mencari ibunya,tiba-tiba bertemukan ikan kap mata besar,mereka menjerit, ibu! ibu!,ikan kap menjawab,ibu kamu mempunyai perut yang berwarna putih.Berudu mencari lagi,maka ternampak ketam yang perutnya berwarna putih.Ibu! Ibu! sahut berudu,ketam menjawab aku bukan ibu kamu,ibu kamu ada empat kaki,aku ada lapan kaki.Berudu berenang lagi ,selang beberapa hari maka tumbuhlah sepasang kaki hadapan.Hari berikutnya berudu ternampak ibu tuntung sedang berenang menggunakan empat kaki,mereka berenang dengan pantas ke arah ibu tuntung tersebut sambil menjerit ibu! ibu! ,tuntung mejawab aku bukan ibu kamu,badan ibu kamu berwarna hijau.Pergilah dan cari ibu kamu kat sana. Selang beberapa hari ekornya menjadi pendek.Terdapat seekor katak besar yang berwarna hijau yang duduk di atas daun telepok,lantas menjerit-jerit ibu! ibu! maka itulah ibu katak.


Jangan banyak fikir,
Jangan kena hujan,
tidur cukup,
rehat cukup,
bertafakur selalu....

Bermulanya hikayat

Saya kamil bin A.Hasan, Bermulanya hari ini saya akan meriwayatkan satu hikayat yang bermacam-macam. Titik!!!