Tuesday, November 28, 2006

makan air petua dari kitab1000 hikmat

Banyak orang mengalami penyakit makan air, pada kebiasaannya makan air itu menjadi pada tempat-tempat yang berlecah atau pada tempat yang yang terhimpit, seperti di jari-jari kaki dan tangan ,untu mengubati cuba lah petua di bawah:-

1. Minyak niyor
3. Bawang putih

Bawang putih ditumbuk kemuudian direndamkan di dalam cuka dan tuangkan minyak niyor- biarkan lama, minyak inilah disapukan pada celah-celah jari yang merkah itu...

Jika diizinkan Allah ada kesannya...

reducing back pain

The national athletic trainers' association (NATA) in united state has perpared a 10 step gide that people of all ages can use to reduce body stress,prevent back pain and thereby improve quality of life. NATA represents certified athletic trainers who were among the more than 80 professions honoured diring Allied Health Professions week earlier this month.
The human body is an incredible machine that adapts to the stresses we give it every day,,said certified athletic trainer Darrell Barnes and performance centre coordinator, St vincent sports performance center in Indianapolis, Indiana, Stresses such as poor posture and a sedentary lifestyle lead to brake down and pain. Disability from back pain is second only to the common cold as a cause of lost work time.
According to the Arthritis Foundation,back pain affects 80% of the American adult population at some point in their lives, In fact , back pain, limited mobility and stffness end up costing American consumers US$24 bil(RM87.7bil) in treatment costs annually.

The following are recommendations to prevent and reduce back pain:

  1. Identify negative stresses- Everybody has physical limitations that can lead to body imbalances, so it's important to identiflying problematic areas and correct these imbalances. Look at your sitting/stnading posture, Do you complain that your muscles "feel tight" or weak ? do you use poor mechanics when lifting heavy items?
  2. Make yourself mobile-Poor posture and muscle stiffness decrease the body's ability to move freely,Which can lead to injury or pain. there are many ways to increase mobility including daily stretches or activities that increase flexibility and get the body moving in different directions. Try Yoga ,Tai chi,swimming or pilates to keep you limber.
  3. Increase strength-It's important to get strong to improve overall balance and flexibility to reduce stress on the black,Exersice should invovle the whole body, especially the core muscle of the stomach,back,hips and pelvis. At the same time, strengthening of the legs and shoulders can help you more easily squat, lift and carry even heavy items without overworking or injuring your back.
  4. Add aerobic exercise-Physical activities like walking,swimming and running for at least 20 minutes three times a week increases muscular endurance and cardiovascular fitness. aerobic activities also improve blood flow to the spine and help decrease daily stress.
  5. Pay attention to posture-Try not to sit or drive for long periods of time. Get up every 15 to 30 minutes and move around or stretch to increase your mobility. When seated always remember to keep your hips and knees at right angles to one another and find a chair with adequate lumbar(lower back) support.
  6. Stand up straight-When engaged in activities while standing. be sure to stand with your head up, shoulder straight,chest forword and stomach tight,Aviod standing in the same position for too long, though and use your legs- rather than your back-when pushing or pulling heavy doors and other items.


Hobby saya memancing, menjala,menjaring,memukat ikan atau burung,melancong,melihat hutan ,air terjun ,sungai,tasik, laut,,,,
Kat laut suka memancing, melanggai udang kertas, menjaring ikan,mengisa,,,,,,....mandi laut,...

Burung kegemaran untuk perut...Punai Dahan ,Punai tanah...

Ikan kegemaran kerisi,...

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Istimewanya manusia(sentiasa berkenderaan)

sebelum lahir ke dunia ia berada di tulang sulbi bapanya dan tulang dada ibunya...tulang sulbi bapa dan tulang dada ibu itu kenderaannya...
setelah bersatu ia berada di dalam rahim ibunya...rahim ibunya itulah kenderaannya....
setelah lahir kedunia dokongan ibu dan bapanya itulah kendaraannya...
setelah meningkat usia pundak bapanya itulah kenderaannya;;;;;;;......
setelah mati,,,,....kerandalah kenderaannya....

oh istimewanya manusia .....

Petua mengenai rawatan resdung

Yang paling mudah dan berkesan ialah mengamalkan menyedut air ke dalam hidung( seperti berwuduk).Kemudian picit sebelah hidung dan hembuskan sekuat hati,buatlah sekerap yang boleh sehingga selesa,kesannya amat menakjubkan..

nak tahu lebih lanjut layari laman


Khasiat isi cekor merah

Ianya dapat mengubati penyakit:
  1. Kencing manis.
  2. Darah tinggi.
  3. Penyakit-penyakit kulit.

Ambil isi cekor merah sebesar jari manis sepanjang 1/2 cm lalu dimakan

Cara mengenalinya:

Ambil isi cekor itu dan gosokkan pada batang pisang yang telah dipotong,jika kelihatan kemerahan airnya ianya adalah cekor merah.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

HIKAYAT114: Pointer for the safe use of medicine

HIKAYAT114: Pointer for the safe use of medicine



Pointer for the safe use of medicine

  • if symptoms persist,discontinue immediately and consult your doctor or pharmacist.
  • Read medicine labels carefully.keep the medicine in original container. Do not remove the label.
  • Do no share your medicine with another person.Different person may react differently to the same medicine.Even though your symptoms are similar, the medicine required may be different. consult your docto ir pharmacist
  • Do not exceed the stated dosage
  • Store the medicine out of reach of children.
  • Tell the doctor/pharmacist if you are pregnant,intending to become pregnant or breast feeding.
  • If your doctor has prescribed antiboitics for you ensure you complete the whole course of antibiotics.
  • Discard all medicine with past expiry dates.

cara membuat blog

nak buat blog sila layari ???!!!!!!!


Thursday, November 23, 2006

Safety tips on exercising

  • If you are overweight by 20% and have not been exercising regularly,consult your doctor before your start.
  • Do not exercise if you are not feeling well.
  • Start and end your exercise session with five minutes of stretching exercises.
  • Exercise at least two hours before or after meals.

Khasiat rumput jarum emas/rumput rempah padang

Ianya dapat mengubati penyakit:
  1. Sakit pinggang
  2. Sakit urat
  3. Mengecutkan/mengempiskan rahim
  4. Menguat tenaga batin
  5. Melamakan waktu Jimak
  6. Mengemas/menyempitkan lubang faraj,Khususnya bagi perempuan yang sudah bersalin
  7. Melancarkan perjalanan haid


Ambil 4 atau 5 urat rumput tersebut, kemudian rebuskan bersama air sebanyak 1 kendi(cerek 1 1/2 liter). Setelah dingin lalu diminum segelas. Minumlah 2 gelas sehari.

Wednesday, November 22, 2006


for a certain applied voltage the current which will flow in the circuit will defend on the opposition of the circuit to current flowing through it. This opposition is called the resistance of the circuit; the unit of resistance is the ohm.For Radio purposes the ohm is rather a small unit and multiples are commonly used.
1 kilo ohm= 1000 ohm
1 megohm=1000 kilohm or 1000000 ohms

we may cosidered the voltage as being equivalent to the pressure in water system; the current as the being flow of water and resistance as the friction of the pipe to the flow of water.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Conductor and insulators

All material can be divided into three eletrical catogories. A material is either a conductot ; or it is an insulator or it lies somewhere between the two and is called semi-conductor.
A conductor is a material which has very little resistance toncurrent low. In other words, it allows current to flow easily. Metals widely used as a conductor include copper and silver wires. Carbon and ordinary water are also good-conductors.
An insulator is a material which offers very strong resistance (opposition) to the flow of current.In other words,it does not allow current to flow easily.Glass,paper,rubber,ceramics and certain plastic materials are much used as insulators in electrical equipment.
In the last few years, those material which fall between conductors and insulators are known as semiconductors,have become very important;for example, these materials are used mostly in rectifiers and transistors.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Khasiat buah kudu/mengkudu

  1. Dapat menyembuhkan betis kaki yang kering bersisik atau jari-jari kaki yang pecah.Gosokkan buah kudu yang masak ke tempat-tempat tersebut dan biarkan selama 15 minit,kemudian cucikan dengan air hangat(kehangatan suhu anda).
  2. Dapat menyembuhkan darah tinggi: Perahkan buah kudu yang masak dan ambil airnyablalu ditapis dan minumlah di pagi hari sebelum memakan sesuatu,buatlah selama satu minggu berturut-turut kemudian berhenti dahulu,bila tekanan darah meningkat semula lakukanlah amalan itu semula.
  3. Dapat mengubat penyakit batuk :Makanlah buah kudu yang sudah masak dengan garam,di dalam jangkamasa yang tidak lama,gatal-gatal di tekak, serak dan batuk akan hilang.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Methods of measuring Voltages

Voltage is measured with an instrument called voltmeter.Voltmeter can be adjusted to show many ranges,depending on the voltages they are to be used to measure.
A voltmeter can be used to measure voltages anywhere in circuit.When it is used to measure a source of e.m.f such as a battery, the negative side of the voltmeter mudt be connected to negative side of the battery, and the positive side of the voltmeter to the positive side of the battery.
When a voltmeter is used to measure the voltages a cross a load, the negative probe is connected to the side of the load into which electron enters and the positive probe is connected to the side of the load from which electrons emerge.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Method of measuring current

The circuit since the current flowing must be the same in all parts of the circuit.When the miliammeter is connected in this way,it is said in series with the resistor,R .When the milliammeter is said to measure the current, the negative probe(black probe) is connected to the side where the electron enters and the positive probe(red probe) is connected to the side from which electron emerge

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Basic electricity

nature of matter
The small particle that can exist is known as molecule. In general ,the molecule is made up of smaller particle known as atom. if we split up the atom, we find that it si composed basically of two particle : the electron and proton
Current is the flow of electron

voltage and current
If we take a source of electricity such as a battery, there is a certain force tending to send a current or flow of electrons through an external circuit between the two terminals . The force is called the voltage of the battery.


The unit of the voltage is volt
The unit of current is ampere
The unit of resistance is ohm

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Cont' flexibility

Obvious isn't it ? it the engineer presses the button and the rocket remains stuck on the lauching pad he very quickly gets the message that pressing the button isn't going help, so he does something else. And yet most people.When something doesn't work,do the samething ,only they do it harder and more often. The seldom stop and say,"hey,this isn't working!.How can I change my behaviour to make it work."Or."Hey,this isn't working ! in what other ways can I look at that problem?" Learn to challenge you own frame.
The field of Cybernetics has a law called requisite variety.This law states:In any system(whether human or machine) all other things being equal,the individual(human or machine)with the widest range or responses will control the system. For example, if your only response to the kids when they interrupt you is,Go outside and play," a rainy day may drive you all nuts. Another key to decision making is flexibility. If what you are doing is not working, then do something else!
To understand your decision frame consider not just what lies within your frame's boundaries,but what lies outside. Most people unconsciously use a narrow frame that is heavily biased by their social,family and cultural background. Looking beyond your frame's current boundaries will increase your flexibility and greatly improve your decision making.

Tuesday, November 14, 2006


Reframing is what Edward de bono calls lateral thinking."logic is the tool that is used to dig holes deeper and bigger,to make them altogether better holes,but if the hole is in the wrong place,then no amount of improvement is going to put it in the right place. no matter how obvious this may seem to every digger,it is still easier to go on digging in the same place than to start all over again in new place. vertical thinking iiis digging is digging the same hole deeper, lateral thinking is trying again elsewhere".

cont' Clarifying

Despite their limitation, frames have enormous power. The way you frame a problem will greatly influence the ideas you look for and the solution you ultimately choose.
most of use see things through habitual frames- we are seldom aware of the frames we use- and yet our unconscious selection of frame determines how we will react to almost every decision we face. The key to confident decision making is to make frames selection a conscious,delibrate act. our aim should be to select a frame that best defines and clarifies the question. This usually means reframing.Reframing ai looking at something in different way .The most notable achievements of mankind have been the results of reframing.For years people cinsidered the earth to be the centre of the universe. Copernicus reframing that view by placing the sun at the centre. Suddenly people saw their world differently.Einstein transformed modern physics when he reframed the traditional view of newtonian physics.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Clarifying :The art of reframing

The way you see the question in your current frame.This frame is like one of many windows in your house-each window gives you a different view of property and yet none can give you a total picture
Falsely assuming that your current window is either the best or the only window leads to decision trap number one- rushing to look for solutions before clarifying the problem.
Frames simplify -this both an advantage and limition. The advantage of frames is that they allow you to view complex issues in simple ways .Because frames simplify they allow you to chooose which window to look through,even allow you to look through multiple windows. This advantage of frames is that they have boundaries and each frame excludes part of the overall picture.

The Key Element Of Decision Making

All good decision maker, consciously or un consciously, go through four basic step:

  • Clarifying

They select a frame of reference from which they define the decision. This frame of reference determines how they see question, what information will amd will not be relevant and what aspects are more important than others. it also lets them view the decision in diffrent ways.

  • Looking

They look for imformation that helps them both clarify their frame of reference and add information that will useful later. Much of this information gathering involves sharing ideas with other members

  • Evaluting

They systematically evaluate possible decisions in light of the way they framed questions and the information they gathered. Being systematic prevents them wasting time considering information or solutions that are not relevent.

  • Reviewing

While acting upon their decision they systematically review progress. Later , When the outcome of the decision is known, they analyse their decision making process and try and learn from feedback..

Decision making


We make decisions everyday,from what to have breakfast(assuming we have made the decision to have breakfast) to what TV programs to watch in the evening. such decision are so routine that we give them little thought. However,as our decision increase in importance we give the decision making process more weight. The importance of decision is subjective and varies from person to person- for example, one person may find it very easy to decide which model TV set to buy, while another may agonize over purchase of simple birthday card.Most decision makers teach themselves. But because they adopt a trial and error approach they are seldom systematic and seldom learn from feedback. They make similar errors.They rush to look for solutions before properly defining the problem, or they fail to collect all available information, or they place too much confidence on thier judgement. Modern studies in decision making, however, show that people can learn to make effective decisions, in the same way they can learn to play a golf stroke or a tennis backhand.....

Saturday, November 11, 2006


Ianya dapat menyembuhkan penyakit-penyakit:
  1. Kencing manis
  2. lelah dan semput
  3. ceret-beret
  4. Sakit kerongkong
  5. Sakit gigi
  6. Batuk biasa dan batuk seratus hari


Rebuslah pokok tersebut bersama-sama akarnya lalu di buat minum.Bagi sakit gigi ambil getahnya atau asahkan akarnya lalu dibubuhkan ke gigi berkenaan. untuk batuk pula asahkan akarnya bersama kemenyan lalu dibuat minum...

Bab mengarut

macamana burung mandi ?
burung mandi dengan air.
waktu petang,air cetek paras buku lali burung, nak tau tengok sendiri.....

macamana pokok mandi?
dengan air hujan ,ais dan angin, nak tau tengok sendirilah kawan

macamana bumi mandi?
mestilah dengan air hujan,salji, dan angin,lihatlah wahai kawan!!!!

lihatlah bumi yang terlebih mandi ole ALLAH,,,,,

protect your back

Use a firm chair and place your spine against it,try to keep one or both kneees higher than your hips.

Use a firm matress.do not sleep on your stomach.if you sleep your side,keep your legs bent at your knees and hips.

malaysian palm oil

choose natural palm oil for your family-it's naturally healthy.
malaysian palm oil is the natural and excellent choice here's why....
  • cholesterol free,like other vegetable olis.
  • an excellent cooking oil even at high temperature.
  • prolongs shelf life when used in a wide variety of foods such as cooking oil,margarine,bread,biscuits,cakes ,diary and chocolate products.
  • red palm oil is rich source of beta-carotine a precursor of vitamin A and tocotrienols(vitamin E).
  • excellent ingredient in production of margarine and shortenings.

ramalan mimpi 10

Bermimpi mengambil air sembahyang
Alamatnya :segala pekerjaan beroleh kejayaan

Friday, November 10, 2006

what should you know about Medic alert

  1. Many people suffer from medical conditions

There are many people in our midst who suffer from special medical condition or sensitivity to drugs which required special treatment. although the sufferers may be able to tell the doctor of their special conditions when they are conscious they are unable to do so when they are helpless or unconscious, either through an aggravation of their conditions or when they fall victim to accidents.under such circumstance unless their special conditions are made known to the attending doctor immediately they may be given wrong treatment which may endanger their lives.

Ubat demam kuning

Ambil segenggam daun daripada pohon Dukung anak.Tumbuk sampai halus,kemudian tuangkan air masak yang suam kedalamnya dan campurkan sedikit garam.Minumlah air tersebut segelas pagi dan segelas pada waktu petang ,insyaallah dalam masa dua minggu penyakit tersebut akan hilang..

petua agar anak tak menyelongkar almari

Anak-anak berusia 3-4 thn suka sangat menyelongkar almari untuk mencari sesuatu,bagi mengelakkan nya,potong secebis kuku tangan dan kaki yang panjang anak-anak tersebut dan letakkan ke dalam almari atau laci yang di selongkar, insyaAllah anak -anak anda tidak akan berbuat demikian.

Ramalan mimipi 09

Bermimpi air laut atau sungai menjadi najis
Alamatnya: akan mendapat rezeki atau isteri kaya.

ramalan mimpi 08

Bermimpi air sungai atau air laut menjadi tawar atau manis
Alamatnya : akan terlepas daripada bahaya.

ramalan mimpi 07

bermimpi minum air sungai
Alamatnya: akan mendapat ilmu pengetahuan.

ramalan mimpi 06

bermimpi di dalam sungai yang airnya mengalir sangat deras.
alamatnya: akan berhijrah atau berpindah ke negeri lain